The Dancers Studio London Disclaimer / TDSL 1317.

1. Assumption of Risk:

Dance involves physical exertion and inherent risks such as sprains, strains, and falls. Students and their parents/guardians acknowledge and accept these risks before participating in our classes.

2. Booking Process:

All bookings must be made through our website, which is powered by the Acuity Scheduling platform integrated with Stripe for secure debit and credit card payments. Classes and workshops must be booked in advance.

3. Cancellations and Refunds:

Cancellations made up to one week before the scheduled class, workshop, or course, will attract a 50% refund, minus any transaction fees. Beyond this timeframe, refunds will not be available.

4. Changes to Advertised Courses:

The Dancers Studio London reserves the right to alter advertised programs for students aged 13 to 17 without notice.

5. Code of Conduct:

Students are expected to adhere to our code of conduct, promoting respectful behaviour, cooperation, and safety during classes and rehearsals. Disruptive or inappropriate behaviour may result in termination of enrolment.

6. Communication Channels:

We provide clear communication channels for parents/guardians to address concerns, ask questions, or report incidents related to their child's participation in dance classes. Open dialogue between instructors and families is encouraged.

7. Compliance with Child Protection Laws:

Our instructors and staff undergo background checks and training in child safeguarding. We strictly adhere to legal requirements related to child protection and welfare.

8. Data Protection:

We take data protection seriously and handle personal information, including medical data, in compliance with data protection laws.

9. Eligibility:

Participants must meet the age and skill level requirements specified on The Dancers Studio London official website and any printed or digital notices for the relevant activity. It is the responsibility of the participant to ensure they meet these criteria before registering for any activity or class. Failure to meet the specified eligibility requirements may result in the participant's inability to participate in the chosen activity or class.

10. Emergency Procedures:

We have established emergency procedures for injuries or medical emergencies during classes. Instructors promptly respond, contact parents/guardians, and seek medical assistance when necessary.

11. Governing Law:

This disclaimer is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom, and any disputes arising from it shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in England and Wales.

12. Medical Disclosure:

Parents/guardians must disclose any relevant medical information or pre-existing conditions that may impact their child's participation in dance activities. This allows us to provide necessary accommodations.

13. Parental/Guardian Consent:

Participation in dance classes by students under 18 requires parental or guardian consent. This ensures that legal guardians are informed about the risks involved and grant permission for their child's participation.

14. Payment and Fees:

Tuition fees and other charges associated with our dance programs are your responsibility. Failure to meet payment obligations may result in suspension or termination from classes or events. The Dancers Studio London reserves the right to change tuition fees and other charges with prior notice.

15. Personal Property and Liability:

The Dancers Studio London is not responsible for any loss, theft, or damage to personal property while on our premises or attending our classes or events. You are responsible for any damage or injuries caused by your wilful misconduct or negligence while on our premises.

15. Photography and Videography:

Consent from parents/guardians is required before capturing images or videos of students under the age of 18 for promotional or educational purposes. All materials are handled in compliance with data protection laws.

17. Supervision and Duty of Care:

We prioritise the safety of our young dancers by providing adequate adult supervision during classes and rehearsals. Our instructors uphold a duty of care to ensure a safe learning environment.

The Dancers Studio London

Contact Information:

Date of Disclaimer: April 2024